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Data standards Ideas Portal

This portal provides an open platform for data standard ideas, feedback and change requests. Anyone can add an idea and remain as a Guest, but please consider signing up so that others can see who has created the ideas!

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Status Needs review
Created by Steve Shaw
Created on Feb 15, 2024

MedicationRequest profile may need to allow multiple dosageInstructions

We have example from LPT of a MedicationStatement (soon to be converted to MedicationRequest) where there are 4 dosage instructions. The example is for WARFARIN to be taken 4 days in a row at different doses: 1mg, 2mg, 1mg, 2mg

                        "dosageInstruction": [
"text": "1 mg Evening on the date of 15/01/2024 (Day 1) [INR Target 1-3]",
"route": {
"text": "Oral"
"text": "2 mg Evening on the date of 16/01/2024 (Day 2) [INR Target 1-3]",
"route": {
"text": "Oral"
"text": "1 mg Evening on the date of 17/01/2024 (Day 3) [INR Target 1-3]",
"route": {
"text": "Oral"
"text": "2 mg Evening on the date of 18/01/2024 (Day 4) [INR Target 1-3]",
"route": {
"text": "Oral"
"note": [
"text": "Evening on the date of 15/01/2024 (Day 1) [INR Target 1-3], (discharge medication)"
"text": "Evening on the date of 16/01/2024 (Day 2) [INR Target 1-3], (discharge medication)"
"text": "Evening on the date of 17/01/2024 (Day 3) [INR Target 1-3], (discharge medication)"
"text": "Evening on the date of 18/01/2024 (Day 4) [INR Target 1-3], (discharge medication)"
"text": "GP Yes"

I suppose we could concatenate but seems wrong. The portal panel will need to cope with these. What do you think?
  • Attach files
  • Steve Shaw
    Feb 26, 2024

    For accessibility, can they be rendered using <UL><LI> tags?