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Data standards Ideas Portal

This portal provides an open platform for data standard ideas, feedback and change requests. Anyone can add an idea and remain as a Guest, but please consider signing up so that others can see who has created the ideas!

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Status Will not implement
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 2, 2023

Dates and authors of letters and documents to be visible

When searching for a document/letter for a patient, it would be easier if the date and author of the letter could be displayed. At the moment, we have to open each letter to see the date it was sent. At the minute it just gives the date the letter was indexed which is always in real time.

I have reported this to Interweave Portal ideas and have received the following response:- (my comments are shown in bold and in brackets)

Author' is displayed in the summary panel call-out, and in the details panel (this is always shown as 'not provided')

Date... this caused some debate internally a while ago. Essentially 'Created' is a field that has been removed from the R4 FHIR standard, so we have also removed this from our Interweave standard, in advance of switching to R4 which we will need to align to

(No date is ever shown - as detailed above)

The remaining fields are 'Indexed' which may be the same, or close, in some circumstances, and 'Context - Period' which could contain a Start date and End date if supplied by the data provider. (the date document indexed bears no resemblance to the date on the letter) and (we cannot see 'Context - period start and end date)

Our standards are built in collaboration with data providers, and approved by the TDA (Technical Design Authority), but if you wish to challenge the standard please could you log this on the Data Standards Idea portal sorry, but this is where standards are managed, as the portal supports your request as far as we are able to at present

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    Sophie Lowsley
    Mar 9, 2023

    If I have read this correctly, the question is around the decision to remove the 'Created By' field from the DocumentReference FHIR Profile.

    This field was removed as it is a duplication of the context.period.start field and it has also been deprecated in R4. We have made the context.period.start a Must Support field within the document reference standard, and where data providers have populated this field, it will be displayed via the Documents Panel within the Portal.